Monday, January 12, 2015

Yoga exercises better for diabetic patients

by Unknown  |  at  3:36 AM

 Online Khobor Desk :

Here are a few exercises for those who have diabetes.

We have seen or heard of yoga during wonders for people. Right from children to adults so many people are resorting to yoga not only to keep themselves fit but to get rid of various ailments and health problems.

Yoga can work wonders for diabetic patients too. Yoga practitioner, Sunaina Rekhi says, “Yogic exercises cause the muscles to absorb the excess glucose in the blood, thereby reducing blood sugar level. The asanas help the pancreas and liver to function effectively which regulates the blood sugar levels and assists in insulin secretion.”

The following are few aasanas that can help diabetic patients:

1. Surya Namaskaras (Sun Salutations): Some people consider Surya Namaskar the complete yoga practise. With its controlled breathing, backbends and forward bends, invigorating and calming poses, it is certainly a balanced cycle.The Surya Namskaras with all the muscular movements also helps in bringing down the blood sugar levels.

2. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose): Increases blood supply in the back by stretching the muscles of the back and along the back of the legs. It also activates kidney and pancreas function and aids in achieving a slim figure.

3. Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose): It creates mobility in the shoulders and hips, while strengthening muscles of the chest and back. Stimulates kidney function, activates the bladder and the digestive system and counters diabetes.

4. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist Pose): Particularly healing as it gently massages the liver and kidneys whilst also ensuring against backache and pain in the hips. Function of the pancreas is stimulated and the ability to concentrate is improved.

If you practise yoga, your everyday activities will improve and become more efficient. You will no longer be a slave to your body, as independence from it is the greatest gift you can receive.

Source : Online Khobor


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